Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star


With its comparatively open and well-regulated immigration system, Canada has become a top destination for immigrants and refugees.



United States

Rule of Law
Scott Olson/Getty Images

United States

Recent killings by U.S. officers have sparked widespread calls for police reform and an end to systemic racism. Here’s how U.S. policing compares with other countries’ approaches.

Rule of Law



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Secretary Pompeo, advocating a policy of transforming China, is proposing a course that is bound to fail.




Since 1949, U.S.-China relations have evolved from tense standoffs to a complex mix of intensifying diplomacy, growing international rivalry, and increasingly intertwined economies.
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Yemen’s internal divisions and a Saudi-led military intervention have spawned an escalating political, military, and humanitarian crisis.






Educators worldwide are facing the agonizing decision of whether to resume in-person instruction while there’s still no cure for the new coronavirus. Countries including Denmark, India, and Kenya are taking different approaches.

United States


Election 2023

Elections and Voting

CFR is following the presidential candidates on the major foreign policy issues. Dive deeper below.



Election 2023

The United States is one of the countries that is most susceptible to foreign election interference. To safeguard the U.S. elections in November, Robert K. Knake argues that the United States and other democracies should agree to not interfere in foreign elections.

CFR on the Record
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United States

Bruce Hoffman discusses domestic terrorism in the United States. The CFR Master Class Series is a weekly 45-minute session hosted by Vice President and Deputy Director for Studies Shannon O’Neil in which a CFR fellow will take a step back from the news and discuss the fundamentals essential to understanding a given country, region of the world, or issue pertaining to U.S. foreign policy or international relations.


COVID-19 has spread across nearly every country in the world, disproportionally infecting and killing the vulnerable. Densely populated refugee camps with limited access to medical care are one of the most high-risk population on the globe. This video explores how international aid groups have stepped in amidst further hardship in refugee camps. 


Speakers discuss the recent China-India border skirmish, heightened tensions between both countries, the economic and military ramifications of the crisis, and geopolitical influence in South Asia.


Our panelists discuss the current political, economic, and public health situation in Brazil.

Expert Spotlight

Catherine Powell
Catherine Powell

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Women and Women's Rights International Law Human Rights

The Color and Gender of COVID-19: Essential Workers, Not Disposable People

Mira Rapp-Hooper

Stephen A. Schwarzman Senior Fellow for Asia Studies

Asia Security Alliances Grand Strategy

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Matthew C. Waxman
Matthew C. Waxman

Adjunct Senior Fellow for Law and Foreign Policy

International Law Cybersecurity U.S. Foreign Policy

Presidential Alliance Powers





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Learn about China's evolving approach to global governance and how it has shifted strategy under President Xi Jinping related to trade, the belt and road initiative, and the coronavirus pandemic.

Public Health Threats and Pandemics The Coronavirus Pandemic, With Tom Bollyky

Thomas J. Bollyky, director of CFR’s Global Health program and senior fellow for global health, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss the World Health Organization’s newly declared pandemic, COVID-19.

Human Trafficking Modern Slavery: Its Root Causes and the Human Toll

Slavery, long banned and universally condemned, persists in many corners of the world, victimizing tens of millions of people.

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In the nine years since protesters in Syria first demonstrated against the four-decade rule of the Assad family, hundreds of thousands of Syrians have been killed and some twelve million people have been displaced.

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Find out where women around the world wield political power—and why it matters.



Richard N. Haass
Mira Rapp-Hooper
Thomas J. Bollyky


World Order

An invaluable primer from Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, that will help anyone, expert and nonexpert alike, navigate a time in which many of our biggest challenges come from the world beyond our borders.

U.S. Foreign Policy

The United States should respond to the COVID-19 reordering moment and stop deterioration in the balance of power with China, bolster relations with India and Europe, and reform the way it deals with allies and partners.

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Is America’s alliance system so quietly effective that politicians and voters fail to appreciate its importance in delivering the security they take for granted?
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